Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Broken Blogger :(

I started this blog as an exercise in futility to help me deal with the fact that I somehow ended up back in Starkville indefinitely. In those early days, I was a blogging machine, consistently coming up with fresh ideas on which I could display my considerable wit through my blog. Today I sit here searching for my blogging voice, as it seems as to have left me. I still have ideas (just today I was contemplating huffing jenkem and presenting the results to my loyal followers), but converting those ideas into words for consumption by you, my loyal followers is more difficult than one would think. Often I spend hours in front my my laptop watching my cursor blink at me, taunting me, daring me to write a poor blog entry. It's been daring me all night, and now it's time for me to take back control...i hope. Sometimes the pressure is just too overwhelming, and the thought of a good jenkem huff dances through my head. There's just so much pressure one man can take.

Many of you have been inquiring about Other Kitty and her growing family. Well, I have some bad news. Other Kitty did bless the world with 4 lovely kittens, but unfortunately 2 of them were still born and a 3rd died 2 days later, leaving only 1 kitten. After a heated debate over a name between my sister and I, we settled on "Another Kitty". Another Kitty was eating well and was even opening his eyes and then disaster struck. Other Kitty had made a home under my sister's bed with Another Kitty. On Sunday afternoon, my sister was going to play with Another Kitty, only to find the stiff dead body of Another Kitty. His face was frozen in a permanent painful yell for help. Just Saturday night, Another Kitty was alive and healthy. Cause of death is unknown, but Other Kitty appreciates your thoughts and prayers during this rough time. She seems to be doing OK, and just today was ready to go back outside and try again to get her family started.

So this morning I'm expertly doing the daily crossword puzzle (you are an expert when you complete 2 full crossword puzzles in a row like I did), when I heard one of the more puzzling survey answers ever on the Family Feud. The category was "If you were hiking and saw a bear, what would you do?" And on the board of top 6 or so answer: "CLIMB A TREE". Seriously?!?! Climb a freaking tree ? I mean, it's not like bears are better tree climbers than people, not to mention how it kinda blocks you into a tree with no escape. And like 10 out of 100 people said they'd climb a tree! All I gotta say is that in such a situation, I'm hoping I'm with 1 of those 10%. My ass won't be climbing any trees.

And finally, I am putting out an APB for Freddie Prinze, Jr. I know you all loved him in "She's All That", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", and "Scooby Doo" (who didn't?). But really, what has happened to him? His career seemed on track and then like *poof*, he was gone. I would like to hear testimonials regarding Freddie Prinze sightings. And don't go searching IMDB for his most recent movies, I want to hear an unexpected movie sighting. Godspeed.

It's the Tycoon's bedtime,
The Tycoon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As to where Mr. Prinze is:

Prinze, at 31, is only a year older. But it sounds like he sometimes has a hard time keeping up. “Freddie likes to say I’m so crazy, it’s like being married to five different women,” says Gellar.

But she says their marriage is still exciting. “As an actor every three months you have a new haircut or hair color, so it’s like being with a different person. And a lot of high heels!” she tells the magazine. “We just had one of those double showers and a custom bathtub built for two put in. It has colored lights.”

I would be in a double shower with her as well, especially if high heels are involved.