Monday, April 28, 2008

A Career Tainted

Today I was notified with the news that John Michael-Montgomery's hit laden country music career has been tainted by one of his primary co-songwriters.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- The father of TV comic Cheri Oteri was stabbed to death and a country songwriter has been arrested, police said Monday.

Richard William Fagan, 61, had been charged with criminal homicide in the Saturday night death of 69-year-old Gaetano Thomas Oteri, police said.

Authorities said the victim's daughter, who was on the cast of "Saturday Night Live," had been told of her father's death.

Police say Fagan and the victim were roommates.

Police said Fagan had been arrested Saturday night on a charge of driving under the influence, and shortly after he posted bail on Sunday a friend of the roommates told police their door was locked, the house appeared to be in disarray and Oteri wasn't answering the door.

Emergency medical technicians found Oteri dead in the house.

It appears that Oteri he died from a "significant laceration" to his wrist caused by Fagan's knife, police spokesman Don Aaron said.

Police said detectives found Fagan while he was still with his bail bondsman.

Jail officials say they don't have a record of an attorney for Fagan.

Fagan is listed as co-writer on hits by singer John Michael Montgomery, including "Sold (the Grundy County Auction Incident)," "Be My Baby Tonight," and "I Miss You a Little." Fagan told police his songs have been recorded by several country artists.

My 1st reaction to this article is why 61 and 69 year old men have roommates. This isn't college, or even 20-somethings fresh out of college that need to save $. These are old men, 1 of whom is the father of a former SNL alum, and the other of which wrote multi-million copy selling country hits.

My 2nd reaction is that I can now be connected to Cheri Oteri in 6 Degrees of Separation.

Degree 1: The Tycoon publishes a picture of himself as a young tyke wearing a JMM shirt and several JMM videos on Thursday February 28, 2008.

Degree 2: JMM co-wrote several of his biggest hits with Fagan.

Degree 3: Fagan kills Gaetano Thomas Oteri.

Degree 4: Gaetano Thomas Oteri is the father of Cheri Oteri.

That's it, just 4 links in the chain. We might as well be lovers. The world domination is imminent. I admit Cheri Oteri isn't the most impressive celebrity to be linked to, BUT you gotta start somewhere. We could even go 1 step further and connect me to Will Ferrell!

Finally, I thought about the resonating effect this would have on the splendid career of JMM. One can only hope that people don't assume JMM is also a knife wielding murderer since they are obviously close, having written several big hits.

We are now on Day 14 of the "Will The Tycoon Get An Offer From The Patent Office That Allows Him To Expand His Empire Into The Mid-Atlantic" watch. They keep telling me that my application is with the supervisors of the BioMedical Division, and that it's up to them as to when they'll make a decision. I think they are lying. In fact, I think "they" may just be a fake phone number some hacker put on the website to fuck with people. And even if the phone number is legit, I am questioning the existence of these mythical supervisors. I mean, does it really take this long to decide if I am one of the 400+ patent examiners they are hiring this year? You don't even have to have a law degree/bar membershit, BUT they will pay for you to go to night school to get your law degree while working with the Patent Office. Therefore, wouldn't someone with a law degree already "paid for" be pretty economically efficient? I think I officially don't understand how to get non-mini storage jobs. Engineering degree? Check. Law degree? Check. Bar membershit? Check. Job? Unqualified/over-qualified/incompetent/non-presentable/uneducated/(fill in your favor reason for being shot down). I think I'm fleeing to Cuba. Who is with me? VIVA LA MINI BORDEGAS!! We can start up a mini storages down there.

I wonder what they'd think of my blog shirt?

Speaking of blog shirts, the order are rolling in. Up to 15 or so right now. Next week I'll have the free-time to get the shirts printed and orders sent. But let me know somehow that your want one cause The Tycoon doesn't have the funds to front a bunch extra in hopes of selling them (not like it'd be hard). Also, once the shirts have been distributed, I will be accepting pictures of the shirt being worn in various places around the world! So get your digital cameras charged up loyal followers.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rolling a Donut :(

Today was a bad day loyal followers. I rolled a donut at the mini storage today. In mini storage tycoon lingo, "rolling a donut" means that during the entire day, you had no office visitors. I fielded phone calls and received payments in the mail, but I failed to lure a single visitor into my storage mecca. To say it was a long, lonely day in the office is an understatement. But I think a day like today can actually help many people. When an iconic figure such as myself can suffer through a long, miserable, unsuccessful day, then anyone can suffer through a day like that. You just got to keep your head up and get ready for those customers tomorrow. Maybe if someone would help out with some sparkling mini storage reviews on google I wouldn't sit alone all day watching Today, Family Feud, Price is Right, Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Montel, Tyra, Dr. Phil, and Maury.

On the bright side, I was able to ponder many random thoughts throughout the long boring day. Apparently there is a restaurant in Greenville, MS that is going to be featured on the Food Network that has a specialty of ribs on pancakes. Yes, ribs + pancakes. Anyone want to meet me for lunch? I can only imagine it's like Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, but better. How do I know it's better? Well, ribs >>>> fried chicken, and pancakes >>>> waffles, therefore ribs + pancakes >>>>>>>>>>> chicken + waffles. And Roscoe's is pretty damn delicious in case you've never had it.

One of the new cosmetic surgeries among the rich and famous is vagina reconstructive surgery, where surgeons tighten a woman's vagina to its tightness prior to her having children or before she had sex with several hundred men. Anyway, am I wrong to think a surgeon in this area could really attract some customers with the slogan "Hit It Again For The 1st Time"?

In Dear Abbey today, a daughter wrote in saying she was tired of the family business and wanted out. Should I write in encouraging her to stick with it? Also, another woman wrote in concerned because her husband always takes the family out for lunch after Church on Sundays and charges the meal on his credit card. She admits that she's "not that 'up' on how credit cards work," but she knows that eventually they'll have to pay off the credit card eventually. She doesn't even know if her husband pays off the credit card each month. I mean is she 14? She's old enough to have a family, and still doesn't know how credit cards work? Good Lord. And she's got kids?? Awesome.

Finally, I spent my afternoon bargaining on the phone with the local t-shirt printers and came to a Tycoon exclusive deal. First of all, here is the proposed final design:



The shirts will only be $17 and that'll include your shipping. I'll set up a PayPal account for those interested. You can send me an e-mail at to give me your mailing info and shirt size. Really, I just have a dream of having a picture of myself on a couple dozen t-shirts spread across the country. I expect these to be worn with pride. By the way, for those of you avoiding writing a mini storage review, the quote on the back of the t-shirt came directly from a recent mini storage review written by a TRUE loyal follower. Maybe next time, YOUR quote will make it onto a t-shirt. The first step in reaching those heights is writing your own review, so put on those thinking caps and get to work.

And I'll leave my loyal followers with another sampling of my less than manly white guy dance music

Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

Getting ready to take the world by storm in Starkville,
The Tycoon

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day #9

Today is Day #9 of the "Will The Tycoon Get An Offer From The Patent Office That Allows Him To Expand His Empire Into The Mid-Atlantic" watch. No word yet on whether I have lured them into unsuspectingly participating in my expansion. Surprisingly I have been in a relatively good mood as of late despite the impending doom I fear. I think it has to do with my less than manly leanings in music I have been listening to lately. It's either the warming weather or subconsciously I've just been wanting to dance.

As for a proper blog entry, I am a little disappointed the turn out thus far for positive mini storage reviews (you can find the link towards the end of the previous blog entry). You may think your words don't help, but I cannot even begin to count the number of potential renters who backed out when it came time to hand over their first rental payment saying that they "just didn't trust an establishment without a plethora of glowing reviews flowing from google". When the reviews start flowing, the blog entries will start multiplying!

Also, I have had inquiries into actually printing t-shirts. If enough people are really interested I would absolutely use it as a free promotional tool in taking my mini storages national.

I'll leave you with the best song of the 1980s and maybe ever - New Order's "Age of Consent". On top of being awesome musically, they are also top notch dressers.

Really, if you are interested in a t-shirt I'll print them up (and you reimburse me).

Dancing to white people music in Starkville,
The Tycoon

Friday, April 18, 2008

Untitled (Revised)

Sometimes a mini storage tycoon gets one of those phone calls from someone in the depths of despair. Today was one of those days. This lady calls asking how much rent was due on her son's unit, which somehow dissolved into her mulling over the fact that her son had yet to find a real job ("and he's such a smart boy" she said). I didn't have the heart to tell her that he was likely fucked. Then she went into how her daughter recently split from her man and was living in their double wide trailer with her 2 kids, and how they were trying to help her out. I consoled the woman with a hollow "the economy is rough right now, I'm having to do this until I find a long term job..." yada yada yada. Then just as I thought I was about to complete out phone visit, she comes from the blindside with a jaw top things off, she was losing her hair! up until this point my level of sorrow for the woman's plight was minimal, but to be losing your hair on top of everything else? That's just a low blow. Ultimately this story was to show the wide variety of exciting stories being a mini storage tycoon can bring into your life, and a mini storage tycoon has to wear many hats. You have to keep monetary records. You have to be able to rent units. You have to be able to sweep out units when people move. You have to keep your cool with angry renters. And sometimes you have to put on your counseling hat like I did today and be there to listen to a renter going through some tough times with the ongoing losing of her hair.

Today I also had to hold back my discontent with a young whipper snapper who came in to rent a unit with his headphones BLARING some shitty pop-punk band music (think Blink 182 but worse), and instead of pausing the music to rent his unit, he left the headphones dangling so that we both got to listen to his shitty music. I was thisclose to bitch slapping him and lecturing him on giving proper respect to not just The Tycoon, but all mini storage tycoons across this great nation. Kids these days.

As I was sitting at the desk writing some bills waiting for my cell phone to ring with a job offer from the US Patent Office (i interviewed on February 14 and they told me it'd be about 2 months, so we are on day 5 of "will The Tycoon dupe the USPTO into giving him a job so that he can expand his empire to the mid-atlantic" watch), I hear an advertisement on TV during the Price is Right that is speaking directly to me. As I watch my student loan bills come in and I beg them for another deferment, the stress of pending financial doom has hindered my tycooning abilities, leaving me confused as to whether I unlocked the proper units or recorded the proper payments and I have to spend minutes of my day rechecking the work I should have already done. It may be time to contact Denvil F. Crowe. His mind-blowingly awesome TV ad is below, and I can only home that is Denvil playing the part of the evil bill collector.

And as if just to rub a little salt in the wound, Oprah today was about professional women who hate their jobs, and something like 48% of them are unsatisfied by their careers. I got an idea, QUIT YOUR FUCKING JOB AND LET ME HAVE IT THEN. I really have no pity on anyone bitching about getting a good paycheck for a job they actually sought to do at some point. "Wah, I have to work 60 hours a week". "Wah, I don't have time to cook dinner every night". "Wah wah wah". I bet their ass isn't upset when they get to take their Mexican vacation or buy their plasma TV. And don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on women here, I feel the same way towards anyone (male, female, or hermaphrodite) who wants to bitch about making enough money to pay bills and enjoy themselves a bit on the side.

On the lighter side of things, "Dear Abbey" today was a outstanding. In the 1st letter, Non-Enabler wrote in lamenting the fact that her sister had begged her for money for the umpteenth time which she could not afford to give this time (yeah, i know, fairly typical "Dear Abbey" shit, but wait). So now the sister (who is married with 3 daughters) has joined a swingers' club and has 1 night affairs all the time, and she blames this on Non-Enabler, AND NON-ENABLER ACTUALLY FEELS AT FAULT. I think I'm gonna beg for money, join a swingers' club, and then blame it all on someone else for not giving me money I needed to pay my student loans. That actually sounds like a pretty appealing plan at this point. In the 2nd letter, Picture Perfect wrote distraught about what she and her husband should do with the nude portraits they had painted of each other. For obvious reasons, they did not want to leave these items behind for their children (can you imagine the look on their faces when they pulled those out - awesome). It humors me that people sit around so perplexed over some issues they actually take the time to write in to Dear Abbey, or even better the dumbasses that write in to Miss Manners. I mean, who sits around with nothing better to do than write out their every minute thought?

Finally, I take pride in the recent $104 million dollar 4th quarter losses by Sallie Mae. I may not be able to get a job helping a firm or company make money, but I'll be damned if I'm not gonna help tear one down!

Tired of Starkville,
The Tycoon

It was brought to my attention the other day by a loyal follower (you know who you are) that a disturbing lack of fanatical reviews for my mini storage empire appeared on the Google search for "Starkville Mini Storage". I am asking my loyal readers to each take a moment to visit Google (here's the link if you are lazy) and take the time to write 1 or more marvelous reviews for either (B) Bulldog Mini Storage, (D) Starkville Mini Storage, (G) North Jackson Mini Storage, or (J) Starkville Mini Storage (should be listed as Bully's Lockers - I am in the process of writing a letter to Google threatening legal action if this oversight is not corrected ASAP). You know that actual renters were overwhelmed by the quality of mini storaging I provided them, so feel free to embellish those feelings. It could also be beneficial to The Tycoon's love life if a couple of you alluded to the rugged good-looks and splendid wit and charm displayed by a certain tycoon. Get to work.

Monday, April 14, 2008

CSI: Starkville

I have been a bit deceiving to my loyal followers over the past week and a half or so. Not really deceiving, but not informing you of my true whereabouts and going ons. A few days after the death of Another Kitty, Other Kitty approached me with concerns that foul play may have been involved with her offspring's passing. Finding it impossible to see a mother in this perpetual state of unknowing, I swore to her that I'd find Another Kitty's killer if foul play was involved. The following photo might be a bit much for the weak of stomach, as it is the death place of Another Kitty and the chalk outline is still visible. I hope you all understand why I could not discuss the case until now.

I began my investigation by making a list of suspects.
Suspect #1: Lint. Motive: Obvious disdain of another kitty (no pun intended) invading his home.
Suspect #2: Lauren. Motive: Attention seeker.
Suspect #3: Other Kitty. Motive: Crazy female made even crazier by crazy hormones.

After closely watching several episodes of CSI, I carefully removed all hairs I found in the vicinity of the crime. Hairs from all 3 suspects were found under the edge of the bed. After interrogating all 3 suspects, they all provided legitimate reasons why their hair could be found in the area. Other Kitty has made a temporary home with Another Kitty under the bed, it was in Lauren's room that Another Kitty's body was found (though she doesn't actually live here anymore...?), and Lint often napped in Lauren's room in an effort to avoid any and all contact with other people and animals. This was an immediate red flag, as it indicated a possible motive for Lint to kill Another Kitty - he was protecting his territory.

Next the cause of death was determined. The toxicology reports were negative. It appeared to my eyes that Another Kitty was suffocated, as his mouth was left agape, gasping for air as if smothered or strangled. Again, this fact pointed towards Lint. His cold demeanor and ample girth would be a perfect combination in smothering a poor young defenseless kitty. Other Kitty seemed much too distraught for this to have been her own work, and Lauren just didn't seem like a kitty killer.

Finally, Other Kitty has been extra aggressive toward Lint lately, which led me to believe that maybe she knew something she just couldn't get across to me in our conversations, and she was trying to express herself through aggression. At this point I took Lint in again for questioning. He coldly told me he did in fact smother Another Kitty, and that he'd been planning it ever since Another Kitty was born, but wanted to wait until Another Kitty was old enough to know what happened. Other Kitty took a break from nursing and laying with Another Kitty to go beg someone into giving her some delicious cat food at around 10 pm on Saturday April 5. It was at this time Lint seized his opportunity. Another Kitty thought Lint was coming to be the "fun uncle" and play with him, and instead Lint overpowered him and smothered him with his considerable fluff. Lint was denied bail and is currently awaiting trial.

In other news, if you like your music leaning toward the electronic-indie-r.ock-pop (think LCD Soundsystem or Hot Chip) then you are doing yourself a disservice by not getting the new Cut Copy album "In Ghost Colours".

And some more intelligent insights from the Opinion Page of the Clarion Ledger. Allen Wilkinson of Brandon writes that if Obama doesn't like the use of his middle name, then he should go legally change it. Wait, what? I know opinions are supposed to not be right or wrong, because, well, they are opinions, but Allen's opinion is about as wrong of an opinion as you'll find. Also, this wholly illustrates the ignorance of Americans that a man's middle name is a factor in your presidential vote. head-->wall

Your Kitty Killer Hunter,
The Tycoon

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Conglomeration of Inane Ramblings

Is Ann Coulter the Skip Bayliss of national political journalists? Some of you know Skip, the idiot ESPN talking head who attempts to illogically declare that the rest of the Cleveland Cavaliers are a good supporting cast for Lebron James, and that Larry Hughes could have been Lebron's Scottie Pippen if Lebron was a better player. These opinions are so dumb and ignorant that they could only be made by someone who sells out all sense of dignity to get their face in the public eye. Ann Coulter writes political opinion pieces seething with so much hate, that I can't fathom how someone could naturally be like this. I just have to believe at this point she, like Skip, simply looks at a situation and purposefully takes the most outlandish view and then argues it vehemently simply to get her name in the paper and face on TV. She actually wrote a piece deriding Obama's well received (even by many Republicans) approach to racism. Somehow she managed to tie in some very attenuated story about Obama's grandparents and their worries over getting mugged and use this to say Obama shouldn't be speaking about racism. What.The.Fuck. She's either the world's biggest snatch or one of the world's leading attention whores. This bitch and anyone who agrees with her are what's wrong with America at this point. She's not even Republican, she's her own thing. She spouts off about Christian values, yet spews more hate than anyone I've ever seen. She's not even respectful in her disagreement, instead attacking rather than discussing. How Republicans can even allow these people to be associated with their party is beyond me. All it does is give an independent voters a reason to hate the party. Likewise, the Democrats have their wackos too, but it seems as though the Republican wackos have been out in full force for this election. I guess they figure that Bush has ruined any real chance of the Republicans winning so they might as well make asses out of themselves.

And what is it about Obama and "controversy" thus far? I mean, McCain recently made peace with Jerry Falwell, therefore by the logic used between Obama and his preacher, shouldn't McCain's peace being made with Falwell mean that McCain accepts Falwell's statements that the US is at fault for Katrina and 9/11 for being sinners? Isn't that just as bad as saying "Goddamned America" in so many words? What about the fact that McCain's family traces back to Caroll County Mississippi, which was widely regarded as one of the most racially charged counties in MS history? His grandfather even served as the county sheriff. Obviously having roots in such a racist place must mean that McCain was raised with those same racist values and therefore believes those same racist values right? What about Hilary marrying a morally corrupt man like Bill, who would cheat on his wife with interns in the Oval Office? Obviously she shares his same corrupt values if she was willing to marry him. Why aren't these relationships the subject of endless debates?

I don't actually believe any of these relationships should have a bearing on who you vote for president, but don't let the bullshit sway you. In the end, Obama's refusal to "play the political game" is probably gonna cost him, and that's sad. It's pretty pathetic that a large portion of the American public can so easily be distracted from the real issues without even realizing it. Vote based on your Iraq position or your economic position or your alternative fuels position, but don't vote based on the bullshit political games that have turned off voters for years. Why do you think Obama has such a strong young following? He doesn't play the bullshit games, he tells it like it is, and doesn't feel the need to point out that in 1995 Hilary didn't put her hand over her heart during a National Anthem and therefore is not a "true American". I fucking hate politics.

Now there are people throughout MS calling for a raise in the state's driving age from 16 to 18. Seriously? Let's count the reasons this is an awful idea. 1) MS has virtually NO public transportation to speak of, and therefore parents would be forced to be chauffeurs for their children during some of their most active years as HS juniors and seniors - football practice, SATs, graduation parties, cheerleading practice, hanging out with friends...I'm sure parents would just be stoked to have to hold their kids' hands the whole time. 2) I think it's a poorly thought out idea to have a kid head off to college a couple of weeks after getting their drivers' license, but that's just me. Look, I prefer not to drive, and rarely drove in Portland, but it's simply a must in MS and other rural states. I want to get back to a city where I can park my car for days on end and not spend $60 in gas per week, but alas the job market is forcing me to drive by keeping me in Starkville. It's not my fault that I'm using up all the oil, blame the law firms in the cities I want to live who refuse to hire me.

In other news, one of MLK's closest confidants was convicted of forcing his (at the time) teenage daughter to have sex with him. Obviously since this guy was so close to MLK, MLK was an advocate for incestuous relations.

I still haven't grasped how so many Republicans seem so upset about McCain. He's the "lesser of 3 evils" and they are already planning on doing better in 2012. I mean, seriously America, what the fuck is wrong with a president who is closer to the middle than to the far right or far left? It's like Americans pick a side and refuse to compromise. Weren't we all taught to compromise as a 5 year old? I mean, I always wanted to only be Donatello when playing Ninja Turtles, but sometimes someone else wanted to be Donatello, so I would let them be Donatello for a Ninja Turtle v. Transformers v. G.I. Joe battle or 2, that way we BOTH got to be Donatello. Obviously in a perfect world we would have both been Donatello the entire time, but since we both wanted to be Donatello, we compromised and split custody. Apparently as you get older, you get worse at compromising.

How about the American Family Association petitioning Marriott to remove the pay-per-view porn from their TV options? Does it really bother people that much that someone might be willing to pay for porn in a private hotel room that they feel the need to spend their precious time asking for them to remove the porn option instead of doing something constructive like educating their children on safe sex or playing catch in the backyard and being a true parent to their kid? Or how about generally instilling the desired morals into your child so that when they are faced with the decision to pay for that porn they pass it up? If we take away all temptations, then do morals even exist? It just seems to me there are a lot of things that could be done that are infinitely more important and worthwhile than not having to worry about a ppv porn option the next time you stay at a Marriott.

Finally, I love the MS Senator commercials in which the candidates say "I am pro-life and I am pro gun". Sounds kinda funny when said back-to-back like that, doesn't it?

Sorry if any of my ramblings left out key components that make me look foolish. Sometimes I am isolated from intelligent conversation when spending 40 hours a week in a mini storage office all alone and my imagination begins to run wild.

The Tycoon

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Broken Blogger :(

I started this blog as an exercise in futility to help me deal with the fact that I somehow ended up back in Starkville indefinitely. In those early days, I was a blogging machine, consistently coming up with fresh ideas on which I could display my considerable wit through my blog. Today I sit here searching for my blogging voice, as it seems as to have left me. I still have ideas (just today I was contemplating huffing jenkem and presenting the results to my loyal followers), but converting those ideas into words for consumption by you, my loyal followers is more difficult than one would think. Often I spend hours in front my my laptop watching my cursor blink at me, taunting me, daring me to write a poor blog entry. It's been daring me all night, and now it's time for me to take back control...i hope. Sometimes the pressure is just too overwhelming, and the thought of a good jenkem huff dances through my head. There's just so much pressure one man can take.

Many of you have been inquiring about Other Kitty and her growing family. Well, I have some bad news. Other Kitty did bless the world with 4 lovely kittens, but unfortunately 2 of them were still born and a 3rd died 2 days later, leaving only 1 kitten. After a heated debate over a name between my sister and I, we settled on "Another Kitty". Another Kitty was eating well and was even opening his eyes and then disaster struck. Other Kitty had made a home under my sister's bed with Another Kitty. On Sunday afternoon, my sister was going to play with Another Kitty, only to find the stiff dead body of Another Kitty. His face was frozen in a permanent painful yell for help. Just Saturday night, Another Kitty was alive and healthy. Cause of death is unknown, but Other Kitty appreciates your thoughts and prayers during this rough time. She seems to be doing OK, and just today was ready to go back outside and try again to get her family started.

So this morning I'm expertly doing the daily crossword puzzle (you are an expert when you complete 2 full crossword puzzles in a row like I did), when I heard one of the more puzzling survey answers ever on the Family Feud. The category was "If you were hiking and saw a bear, what would you do?" And on the board of top 6 or so answer: "CLIMB A TREE". Seriously?!?! Climb a freaking tree ? I mean, it's not like bears are better tree climbers than people, not to mention how it kinda blocks you into a tree with no escape. And like 10 out of 100 people said they'd climb a tree! All I gotta say is that in such a situation, I'm hoping I'm with 1 of those 10%. My ass won't be climbing any trees.

And finally, I am putting out an APB for Freddie Prinze, Jr. I know you all loved him in "She's All That", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", and "Scooby Doo" (who didn't?). But really, what has happened to him? His career seemed on track and then like *poof*, he was gone. I would like to hear testimonials regarding Freddie Prinze sightings. And don't go searching IMDB for his most recent movies, I want to hear an unexpected movie sighting. Godspeed.

It's the Tycoon's bedtime,
The Tycoon

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Welcome Back From the Mini Storage Fairy!

Yesterday I returned to work (and subsequently blogging) after a 3 week hiatus. The batteries are recharged and the wit has been sharpened. I was pretty nervous returning to tycooning after an extended break, but my nerves were quickly calmed by a visit from the Mini Storage Fairy! Unfortunately, unlike my previous Mini Storage Fairy visits, this visit yielded 2 ratty couches. I guess I have been a bad boy lately and didn't deserve another gift of used Nerf guns. :(

If you are looking for that movie to watch while at work, let me be the one to break the disappointment I found with "Southland Tales". Many may say that a cast of The Rock, Justin Timberlake, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stifler, Mandy Moore, Jon Lovitz, Janeane Garofalo and Cheri Oteri and Amy Poehler of SNL fame could never create a good movie, but I saw a perfect storm of actors looking to break out of the reins holding them back. I admit I was wrong. It was a good idea, but ultimately she fell short of it's ambitious goals.

Finally, the DVD viewing of "Southland Tales" was not entirely wasted, as I was exposed to a film which I am anxiously awaiting the release of: "Zombie Strippers"!!!!!!!!!!! I am a self-admitted zombie fan, and I don't have anything against a stripper, so a combination of zombies AND strippers can be described as a perfect marriage of individually awesome things. In fact, what really has me excited is that "Zombie Strippers" hasn't even been released to the theaters yet, so watch your local multiplex closely for a release date. I can't imagine anything short of a wide release to all the major theaters across the country will suffice the throngs of movie connoisseurs eagerly awaiting the release.

Surely y'all didn't think I would let you go without a video tease of "Zombie Strippers"? If you want to learn how to survive a zombie attack, there is only 1 manual available to teach you everything you'll need to know to survive: The Zombie Survival Guide. And if you'd like to see the principles taught in the survival guide applied to fictionalized (but real to life) situations, let me recommend World War Z. I am here to warn you that zombies are real and if you want to survive the inevitable attack, these books are your best bet. Anyone got a 2 story house I can hole up in when they come? Our house is only a single story.

I hope everyone is excited for future posts as I am,
The Tycoon