Saturday, September 20, 2008


1.the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2.the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3.a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4.a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

5. the opposite of The Tycoon

The rumors are true Loyal Followers, The Tycoon is unemployed (again). The mini storages have been bought out and I was deemed unworthy of continued employment. Perhaps it was my incessant desire (need?) to watch my favorite porn movies* on my computer everyday. Or maybe it was my failed attempts to woo mini storage renters into entering a personal relationship with me. But probably it was due to the fact that I just didn't care about showing up until 15 minutes late everyday. I think they could tell my love for mini storaging was waning as the economy was making it apparent a worldwide domination was further away than I was willing to wait. But seriously. I was laid off from mini storages. Does life get any lower?

*Don't judge me. It's an addiction. If I was employed, I'd be joining David Duchovny in rehab for my addiction. Though I must admit when I heard he was going to rehad for a "sex addiction" I was pretty disappointed it was because he liked porn. Being that he's a famous actor and used to bang Scully behind the scenes on the X-Files, I was hoping that his addiction would be something much more exotic than porn. Anyone can be addicted to porn. Only famous men can actually have enough random sex that it qualifies as an "addiction". Yet David seems to not even be using him famous man powers, instead just sneaking out of bed to watch some late night porn on the computer like any other common guy. Bummer.

Monday I will venture to Starkville's unemployment office to see if I qualify. I hope Obama wins the election, cause all they keep telling me he'll be on the corner with a stack of $100s so that I won't have to work!! Keep your fingers crossed for The Tycoon as he aimlessly wanders through life searching for all the right answers.


TINY PANTS said...

arent we about due for a new update?

TINY PANTS said...
